🥑 Health Survey

Complete the questions below & receive a 🎁 free guide to support your top health priority

One-Minute SURVEY:

1. How would you describe your current healthy lifestyle? 🧘‍♂️

2. Which area of  health do you most want to support right now? (Choose your #1 priority)

Add any additional notes or an area of health not listed above:

3. What’s the hardest part of staying healthy? 🤔

4. What would make it easier to stick to your health goals? 💪

5. Does your diet give you the energy-boosting vitamins and minerals you need? 🥗 (1 = not at all, 5 = absolutely)

6. In your opinion, what is the most important aspect of using a health and wellness product? 💡

7. When you have a health problem, what’s your go-to solution? 

8. Are you open to learning about solutions to meet your health goals? 🤔

What's one unique thing about you?

What's your social media handle? (ie. instagram.com/yourname) type below or if you don't have one please skip. 

We would like to thank you for providing us with useful information, in helping us to best serve you.